In preparation for the micro-teaching assignment tomorrow during MAED314A, I have prepared a simple lesson plan based on BOOPPPS to outline what I intend to teach during tomorrow's activity.
Composition. How to Shoot a Compelling Photograph.
- Everyone loves to take photos. With the dawn of the digital camera and websites to share photos like Facebook and Flickr, how do you create photographs that stand out from the rest?
Teaching Objectives
- Find balance between instrumental and relational teaching of proper composition in photography.
- Engage the students’ interest in the subject matter.
- Learn from the students too. That is, learn different opinions on what makes a good photograph.
Learning Objectives
- Students should have a basic and working knowledge of proper composition.
- Students will learn about lines in composition using some sample photos.
- Students will learn how to lead the viewer’s eye with lines.
- Students will learn the ‘rule of thirds’
- Students will learn to be more comfortable with ‘getting close to the subject as possible’ to fill the frame of the camera with their subject.
- Students will learn to shoot from unusual angles.
- Show two photographs to the students.
- The photos are to have the same subject but one is improperly composed, while the other is properly composed.
- Ask the questions: “Which photograph do you find more compelling? Why does this photo stand out more than the other?”
- Segue way into discussing the learning objectives with the students.
- Students will be given one or two minutes to take photos of a subject of their choosing using concepts outlined in learning objectives.
- Check to see if students followed ideas that were discussed in the learning objectives.
- See if they applied the ‘rule of thirds’
- Note how ‘full’ the subject is in the frame of the photograph and if the student shot the photo at a clever angle.
- As an added bonus, the photos that the students took will be sent to them by the teacher via email.
- Reiterate the basic rules of composition discussed in the lecture
- Describe more advanced composition techniques such as ‘depth of field’ and ‘shutter speed’.
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